Find Ease and Joy in Your Life

Start by creating a positive relationship with money through coaching. 

With a Healthy
Relationship to Money

Many parents struggle around money and feel badly about it. We lack financial literacy, behave and think in ways that don't serve us, and feel left behind in our economic system. The Pizza Money Camp resources, coaching, and community address these pain points with empathy, curiosity, and fun. Plus! You get results!


Cindy Morgan-Jaffe is a certified money and life coach and financial educator. She helps her clients identify the beliefs and behaviors that stand in the way of living a life they want and need.  Learn more about Cindy and why she created Pizza Money Camp.  ➡️


We offer pop-up workshops on topics that meet busy parents where they are. Topics include how to win the allowance game, secrets to raising money-smart kids, and how to overcome our money saboteurs. Events are promoted through our email list and social media. ➡️


We have a growing community of parents invested in raising money-smart kids. Each week, we offer FREE trainings and opportunities to connect to others with similar challenges and needs.  No need to feel alone or ineffective when you can feel the opposite! ➡️

When kids experience earning power at this age, it helps them see how their unique skills and interests can be of value to others. 

Pizza Money Camp for ages 9-11 second session starts July 5th, 2021.

Virtual. Daily activity with offline focus. Engages whole family. Teaches basics of earning, spending, saving and giving.